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2016 Amersfoort NL Arendal NO 2015 Amersfoort NL Arendal NO 2014 Amersfoort NL Arendal NO 2013 Amersfoort NL Arendal NO 2012 Amersfoort NL Arendal NO 2011 Amersfoort NL Arendal NO 2010 Potsdam DE Amersfoort NL 2009 Amersfoort NL Utrecht NL 2008 Amersfoort NL 2007 Amersfoort NL |
FRANJE believes in cultural entrepreneurship, which is reflected in the legal form of a shareholders company. The festival lives by the energy of participants and organisers and enables them to choose an appropriate reward for their invested time and energy. For the artists this means defining their own premises for performance and charging admission if required. However, their reward could just as well be in the confrontation of their artwork with an audience, the exchange of ideas with fellow artists or new contacts with bookers from other festivals, theatres etc. For the organisation it means being able to create a festival that can live without government support, but by issuing shares to shareholders that participate in the festival concept. From their benefits the minimal conditions for organising the festival are being paid. The shareholders return is in kind rather than interest: the availability of an open stage, a free ticket, or in a more abstract sense as a contribution to the common good. In other words, the financier gets cultural return from his investment!
company share Organisations can commit to FRANJE by becoming a silent partner and buying a company share. For one share a minimum of €1000,- is to be deposited into FRANJE's bank account. This deposit is being used as working capital and can be returned after three years. In return for this deposit the partner receives a certificate of partnership. The limited partnership holds that silent partners are not liable for the whole company, but at most to the amount of their deposit. Besides the main deposit of the share a supplement obligation is applied worth 20% per year for each €1000,- deposit. In other words, a single €1000,- (refundable) share comes with a three year €200,- (non refundable) supplement per year. In return for the supplement the partner receives a annual share certificate which is also that year's discount pass. In practice the festival is being financed from the annual supplements plus the interest over the total deposits of all the partners together. The festival reports to the silent partners by means of an annual report on the investment of their share.
personal share Those who do not want to involve themselves with art but do not want their conscience troubled either can buy an indulgence. A full year indulgence can be obtained for €300,- in cash under the counter. In return the party involved will be spared from any requests for money for the benefit of festival FRANJE. Festival FRANJE will not beg nor appeal nor kneel to the person/organisation involved in order to procure money transfers after all. The indulgence's buyer be praised for his unselfish donation and will receive a full year cultural absolution. 1/3 indulgences can also be obtained. These are cheap (€100,-) and may seem attractive, however they can never be culturally blessed. A three year salvation from cultural purgatory can be arranged for €800,-. silent partners of FRANJE:
Dirk Zijp, personal share, registered 23 02 2008 M. Postma, personal share, registered 23 02 2008 Margot Cooijmans, personal share, registered 07 03 2008 Mirjam Barendregt, personal share, registered 12 04 2011 Michel Schoonderbeek, personal share, registered 12 04 2011 Pieter Erkelens †, personal share, registered 12 04 2011 Herman Zijp, personal share, registered 12 04 2011 Arne Haytsma, personal share, registered 17 04 2013 Pim van den Berg, personal share, registered 17 04 2013 Danielle van Wijngaarden, personal share, registered 17 04 2013 Bertien Houwing, personal share, registered 17 04 2013 |