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Franje Arendal 201655 performancesWarning, lineup is subject to changes! Check this website regularlyEl Gran Enano - H2oBoomH2oBoom is a mix of wáter, fire, and a infinity of elements!
Giving a opening with a nice and interactive game that is slowly leading to the appearance of balloons and more balloons of different forms and colors.
Flour, ping-pong balls, needles and various others dangerous objects forming parts of several ways to use the balloons that always ending in a Boom.
Through a series of dissimilar tricks, skills and avarice of blow up balloons in the clown´s body and every were.
price: Hat | 40 min Accordéon Mélancolique - WaterconcertNiet alleen prikkeling van de zintuigen, maar ook ruimte om in contact te komen met je eigen herinnering of vermoeden van simpele schoonheid. Muziek benaderd als een Haiku, gevoel uitgedrukt als klank. Dit is wat deze twee muzikanten uit hun twee accordeons proberen te halen in een programma met gedichten, citaten, anekdotes en vooral muziek rond het thema water van hun nieuwste CD Aquarelles.price: vrijwillige bijdrage | 50 minuten Via Vivencia - Konsert med Via Vivencia , fiolin, gitar, vokal Via Vivencia avspeiler intensiteten i hvert øyeblikk vi lever, og favner drømmer og lengsler, skjønnhet, lidenskap, kraft og glede.
Kan vi nå frem - berøre - lytteren med spirer av disse kvalitene ved å være menneske fyllbyrdiger dette gleden vår ved å skape.price: Free | 1 time You tube etterhvert webside Accordéon Mélancolique - Water concertNot just stimulation of the senses, but also giving way getting in touch with your own memory of simple beauty. Music is approached as a Haiku, feeling expressed as a sound. This is what these two musicians try to get out of their two accordions. A program of little poems, quotes, anecdotes and above all a lot of music around the theme of water from their latest CD Aquarelles.price: voluntary contribution | 50 minutes Butoh Laboratorium, Oslo - Into BecomingA butoh dance performance by Butoh Laboratorium, in collaboration with Mushimaro Fujieda. Performance by and with Kristin Nango, Margrete Slettebø, Kyuja Bae and Katarina Skår Henriksen, Veronica Bruce and Kristiane Nerdrum Bøwald. The collective will work with the Japanese Butoh dancer Mushimaru for a period in June, material which will be the heart of the performance for Franje Festival.
They will also host a movement workshop during Franje Festival, open to all!
Place and time will be announced.
Butoh laboratorium is a dance collective in Oslo, consisting of six performers from art, dance and drama background. We are interested in a practice of Butoh-inspired dance- and improvisation. The intention is to offer a laboratorium where people from different fields can come and share, develop and investigate deeper their movement practice. The collective work as a dance performance group, as well as teaching through workshops, and are hosts for workshops by invited butoh dancers from around the world. They have previously worked with Nobuyoshi Asai, Mushimaru Fujieda, Motimaru Dance Company, Joan Laage, herStay, Anika Burton and Seshen Arts. price: 50 kr | 40 min Karina Kristoffersen McKenzie - I am looping through my own composed songs and buddhist chants and presenting my buddhist inspired art in the form of digital pictures. You are Very Welcome! 🌞🌷🌅price: Free | one hour De Spullenmannen - of things going roundDe Spullenmannen will develop their science show into a full hour performance.
Ont hings going round is a knight's tour visiting the remote corners of the mind. De Spullenmannen explore the arts and sciences, skipping from maths to music, stumbling on visual art and digging into the history of ideas...price: pay what you want | 45 Marijke Meems - Last PostLife is passing by, it never stops. It's like a train that can't be stopped. And suddenly you're 80 years old and looking back you find that life slipped away.
I'm 34 years old now and I want to stand still. Two minutes of reflection before I do something, anything.
It’s my birthday. Two minutes before cutting the cake.
price: pay what you want | 15 min Qnborq - Not too late yet58 year old finally seeking the lime light. Luscious piano playing forms the base for dreamy and jazzy autobiographic songs. Themes vary from life, love to social engagement price: Pay what you want | 30 minutes Elena Peeters - ELENA‘About how I was the rain, almost spoke to the pope, met a fox and made a grass hug.’ At the age of 22, Elena decides to walk from Antwerp to Rome, a hike of 2200 kilometers, which she completes in a 102 days. It was a search for necessity.
In ELENA, she attempts to translate the multiplicity of the experience, the vastness of it all, in a single hour. Walking, what it does to a human being and whether the arising thinking process can be triggered in other ways. At the same time, her performance carefully puts a finger on the impossibility of preserving the inexplicable immenseness that she brought home from the walk. price: give what you want | 1h DJäger, meisterdj - Music of the 60s and 70sHouse, trance, techno, lounge, and also pop, soul en reli: Djäger, meister dj, has it all in a royal mix. Royal Warrant Holder of starting entertainment.
How aburdism walk all over the party-beast. Idea82 m/ kreative kråker kroki kompani - pop-up performance art a few local artists will show some live art, wednesday 27. july 2016 at 18:00
place: Poppes Plass. (weather dependent- inside kilden it rain)
pieces made will be displayed for sale after the shows.
price: none-donations welcome | 30-90 min Willem Wits - There there, lad A young man decides to go on an adventure. His experiences along the way and the people he meets help him appreciate life on a whole new level.
Willem Wits tells this story accompanied by some of the best young musicians in the Netherlands.price: pay what you want | 1 hour Mocca - Voice and breath workshopTorsdag 28.juli kl.12-14:00 og Fredag 29.juli kl.12-14:00 på Bølgen Langbrygga.
In this workshop Mocca will work with voice yoga & breathing techniques as well as classical singing skills to bring the freedom out in everbodys voice & movement while singing. price: 200 NOK per day/ Donation | 2 hours Mocca - Voice and breath workshopprice: 200 NOK per day/ Donation | 2 hours Mocca - Concert with Moccaprice: 150 NOK / Donation | Approx one hour Sara Helene Vallevik Borg - S (work in progress)Sara (1989) er utdannet danser fra Bårdar Akadamiet. I sommer har hun arbeidet med en solo, for første gang som profesjonell danser. Hun ønsker å formidle sin historie, sine opplevelser og følelser gjennom dansen. Hun opplever nemlig at det er vanskelig å finne de rette ordene for å uttrykke seg. Det faller seg heller naturlig å kommunisere gjennom bevegelser; dansen er hennes naturlige språk. Det er særlig gjennom improvisasjon hun snakker dette språket, da hun mister kontrollen og heller følger instinkter og impulser. I soloen danser Sara både på bakkeplan og i tissue. Tissuen fungerer som en dansepartner, og åpner opp for muligheten til å bevege seg i luftrommet. Arbeidstittelen på soloen er «S», som står for Sara's Solo Sommeren Seksten.
Støttet av: R.E.D. (Residency Eina Danz)price: Gratis DJ Line Up - Funky Frokost Kom og dans i gang dagen med frokost klubb på Festival Franje! DJ Line Up stiller med smektende toner :) Kom og dans med oss!!
Come and start the day with Funky Breakfast at Festival Franje! DJ Line Up plays funky beats in the morning :) Com dance with us!!price: Donations/Free | 1 h Linn Merethe Andersen og Sara Helene Vallevik Borg - DanseimprovisasjonLinn Merethe og Sara er utdannet dansere fra Bårdar Akademiet, og under Franje improviserer de utendørs. Gjennom improvisasjon følger de impulser og instinkter, og inspireres av omgivelsene - dansen blir til i øyeblikket!price: Gratis | 10 minutter idea82 m/ Sanna - Det er ikke gull alt som glitrerExperimental Fine art/dance cooperation.
things may not always be what they seem?
one woman's trash is another woman's treasure...
be there or be square. price: none-donations welcome | 30-60 min |