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Franje Arendal 201445 voorstellingenLet op! er kunnen nog wijzigingen plaatsvinden. Raadpleeg deze website op de dag van optreden.De Spullenmannen - Six degrees of freedomA retired industrial robot arm gets a new life in theatre. Various short scenes explore the theatrical qualities of a piece of steel in motion.Thu 24 Jul 2014 aanvang 14:00, Kilden platting [Platting foran Kilden] aanvang 17:00, Kilden platting [Platting foran Kilden] Fri 25 Jul 2014 aanvang 19:00, Kilden platting [Platting foran Kilden] Sat 26 Jul 2014 aanvang 17:00, Kilden platting [Platting foran Kilden] entree: free | 10 min. Guro Elde Paulsen - Magedans Magedans show ! Danser oriental + en crazy trommesoloThu 24 Jul 2014 doorlopend 15:00-15:15, Kanalplassen [Quay in front of Kilden] doorlopend 16:00-16:15, Kanalplassen [Quay in front of Kilden] Fri 25 Jul 2014 doorlopend 16:00-16:15, Kanalplassen [Quay in front of Kilden] Annika Vestel - Cracked ConcreteShe is dirty, exposed, a non-human. Through a 15 kg. heavy dress made of mirrors she is carrying her ambient with her, constantly reflecting what is around her, she is her physical environment.
Cracked Concrete is a 15 min long, poetic, visually spectacular and meditative solo-performance in the borderline between dance, theatre and installation art. In this interactive performance the audience meets -not only this strange creature, a kind of a human cameleont that is matching her environment to the extent that she is almost experienced as an extension of it. They´ll also meet them selves.Sat 26 Jul 2014 aanvang 14:30, Kanalplassen [Quay in front of Kilden] aanvang 21:00, Kulturhuset [Kulturhuset] entree: FREE | 15 min Trailer Cracked Concrete: INSDA Project - "A woman in life"“INSDA project is an artistic dance project created and realized by Anika Burton from Spain and Tove-Elena Nicolaisen from Norway. The work in progress "A woman in life” will explore and expose the question of life in a female body at this present time. It is project in constant transformation, eternal changing cicles. It is a desire to awaken body, mind and spirit, and to express, understand and share the female archetypes living inside A woman in life in 2014.Fri 25 Jul 2014 aanvang 18:30, Kilden Black Box [Kilden 204: Black Box] aanvang 19:30, Kilden Black Box [Kilden 204: Black Box] entree: choise of audience | 25 minutes Lisa Marie Hennig-Olsen / ELLE EM Project - of BLUE // work in progressHaving traveled to the other side of the world, down under, I have gather new information and inspiration. I am working towards a solo performance and would like to share the work in its current state at Franje Festival.Thu 24 Jul 2014 aanvang 17:30, Kilden Black Box [Kilden 204: Black Box] Fri 25 Jul 2014 aanvang 17:30, Kilden Black Box [Kilden 204: Black Box] Sat 26 Jul 2014 aanvang 17:30, Kilden Black Box [Kilden 204: Black Box] entree: - | 10min Sanna Eriksson Ryg - Vi.Alene.Vi.Alene.
La oss snakke sammen, kan vi det? For jeg vil se hva du har å si. Enn om jeg tar ordene fra deg, kan du fortsatt fortelle meg det jeg vil vite? Eller tar jeg da også vekk muligheten for den hvite løgnen som gjør alt enklere mellom oss og åpner opp for en hardere sannhet? Fri 25 Jul 2014 aanvang 20:30, Kulturhuset [Kulturhuset] Sat 26 Jul 2014 aanvang 18:00, Kilden Black Box [Kilden 204: Black Box] entree: Free | 14 minutter Karina McKenzie - Songs and imagesI will sing you my songs and show you my pictures
where longing meets realisationSat 26 Jul 2014 aanvang 16:00, Fojer Kilden [Kilden: Reception area and cafetaria] entree: none | 20-30 min or KUB collective - KUB no.2KUB no.1 is a performance that explores peoples relation to their own history and identity. By placing the audience around tables at the edge of the stage and inviting them for a cup of tea, they create a warm and including atmosphere, where the audience feels drawn to the story that is told. The piece starts with the story of the tea they are drinking. Where it comes from and the journey it has been though to get here. Through text, movement, theater and music the story about the performers journey is slowly revealed. 4 different personalities with a different background gets to unfold and share their story.Thu 24 Jul 2014 aanvang 14:30, Fojer Kilden [Kilden: Reception area and cafetaria] Fri 25 Jul 2014 aanvang 15:30, Fojer Kilden [Kilden: Reception area and cafetaria] 35 min Gunnhilde Høyer - "Environmental Residue" (W.I.P) outdoor presentation/ on site artist talkThe watercolors are open air paintings created in a water container mounted on an easel, which by means of adjustable feet can be positioned horizontally in a landscape. The water container is filled with watercolors dissolved in water. Then paper is immersed in the liquid. As the liquid evaporates and the water level is lowered, residual lines are deposited on the paper. Bright fields show hot days, when evaporation has been rapid, and dark field shows the opposite, that the environmental conditions slowed the evaporation. Just as the rings in a tree show the environmental growth conditions a tree has been exposed to throughout its life, the watercolors do the same through the residual lines produced by the evaporation process from top to bottom of the page. The presentation will be at the artists house in Kolbjørnsvik. Take the ferry (5 min) from the city centre. Schedule can be found here.Thu 24 Jul 2014 aanvang 15:00, Kolbjørnsvik [Prestegårdsveien 9] entree: free | 1/2 hour Dansere med kompani Bølgen - We are a group of dancers from Arendal that will have a performance with students from Bølgen Dansestudio (Kompani Bølgen)
This is a collaboration between professionals and amateurs. Thu 24 Jul 2014 aanvang 13:30, Kanalplassen [Quay in front of Kilden] Fri 25 Jul 2014 aanvang 14:00, Kanalplassen [Quay in front of Kilden] Sat 26 Jul 2014 aanvang 14:00, Kanalplassen [Quay in front of Kilden] entree: FREE | 17 min Erikk McKenzie - Stemmebånd (utdrag) “Stemmebånd” er en soloforestilling av Erikk McKenzie som handler om sammenhengen mellom tid og våre virkelighetsopplevelser. Tiden vi lever i er preget av globale klimaendringer, mens Norges oljerikdom omsettes i aksjer og CO2. Hvor mange generasjoner fram klarer vi å strekke vår tidshorisont?Thu 24 Jul 2014 aanvang 18:00, Kanalplassen [Quay in front of Kilden] entree: free | 15-20 min Tran/Rivrud Project - and then they wereThe duet is developed through conversations and improvisation around how to relate to people. Through humor, vulnerability and different meetings, ''and then they were'' shows some of the challenges we meet, when we choose to open up to another person.Fri 25 Jul 2014 aanvang 17:00, Kilden 2.etg [Kilden 2. etasje] aanvang 18:00, Kilden 2.etg [Kilden 2. etasje] entree: Free | 15 min Sanna Eriksson Ryg - Catching DreamsEn solo der tankene og kroppen vil ulike retninger. Hvem bestemmer? Jeg vil gjerne høre din mening etterpå!Fri 25 Jul 2014 aanvang 16:30, Kanalplassen [Quay in front of Kilden] Sat 26 Jul 2014 aanvang 16:30, Kanalplassen [Quay in front of Kilden] entree: Gratis | 4 minutter Katarina Skår Henriksen - A dance performance situated close to the seaBehind the lights of the transparent window, someone listen in the dark.
From the top of a hill, grasshoppers whisper. Waterfalls are making sound. A big leaf of green. Shaped as a mouth of a trumpet. Covering the big water. One by one little tears are rolling down, until it meets the flower of the leaf.
Photo: Tim PrebbleFri 25 Jul 2014 aanvang 15:00, Kanalplassen [Quay in front of Kilden] entree: Free / Donation | 10-15 min Irene Danielsen / Idea82 Design - "Work in progress" Fashion designer and artist showing creative process live. Will be working with pencils, paint and illustrator-pens on paper, canvas, fabric etc...Thu 24 Jul 2014 aanvang 14:00, Kilden platting [Platting foran Kilden] Fri 25 Jul 2014 aanvang 14:00, Kilden platting [Platting foran Kilden] Sat 26 Jul 2014 aanvang 14:00, Kilden platting [Platting foran Kilden] entree: None | - inger garborg amundsen - paradis og kvardagstanker installasjon med paradis ,objekter og broderte lerreter.rommet må gjerne brukes/utforskes.Thu 24 Jul 2014 doorlopend 14:00-19:00, Kilden Diskotek [Kilden 102: Diskotek] Fri 25 Jul 2014 doorlopend 14:00-19:00, Kilden Diskotek [Kilden 102: Diskotek] Sat 26 Jul 2014 doorlopend 14:00-19:00, Kilden Diskotek [Kilden 102: Diskotek] Robbert Kamphuis - A sculpture gets shape as it is welded together in the course of three days.Thu 24 Jul 2014 doorlopend 14:00-19:00, Kaja [Quay in front of Kilden] Fri 25 Jul 2014 doorlopend 14:00-19:00, Kaja [Quay in front of Kilden] Sat 26 Jul 2014 doorlopend 14:00-19:00, Kaja [Quay in front of Kilden] Meet the makers! An informal discussion with several artists joining Franje serves a an occasion to exchange ideas, and offers a peek into their kitchen to the audience: What drives them? Today: KUB collectiveThu 24 Jul 2014 doorlopend 13:00-13:30, Prana Kafe [Nedre Tyholmsvei 10] Meet the makers! An informal discussion with several artists joining Franje serves a an occasion to exchange ideas, and offers a peek into their kitchen to the audience: What drives them? Today: Katarina Skår Henriksen and INSDA project, traditional Japanese Butoh as an inspiration for modern dance.Fri 25 Jul 2014 doorlopend 13:00-13:30, Prana Kafe [Nedre Tyholmsvei 10] Meet the makers! An informal discussion with several artists joining Franje serves a an occasion to exchange ideas, and offers a peek into their kitchen to the audience: What drives them? Today: Pitch a project. Do you have an idea for an art project? Share your ideas and get feedback or collaborators.Sat 26 Jul 2014 doorlopend 13:00-13:30, Prana Kafe [Nedre Tyholmsvei 10] Workshop about movement inspired by Butoh dance, aimed at professional stage artists and students. The workshop is given by Karatina Skår Henriksen and will take place at Bølgen Dansestudio.Thu 24 Jul 2014 doorlopend 10:00-12:00, Bølgen Dansestudio [Gamle Kittelsbuktveien 14, behind Amfi Arena] Workshop about movement awareness. It is free and open to anyone, professional dances, amateurs and everyone who want to have an experience with creative movement. The workshop is given by Tove Elena Nicolaisen from Norway and Seshen from Japan and will take place at Bølgen Dansestudio.Fri 25 Jul 2014 doorlopend 09:30-12:30, Bølgen Dansestudio [Gamle Kittelsbuktveien 14, behind Amfi Arena] Anne Bulien - Evolusjonens Energier og VibrasjonerFor å ikke sitte fast må vi være modige for å leve det livet tilbyr oss.
Ta tak i energier som ønsker å lede oss mot vår personlige kilde som igjen gjør at vi jobber utifra vår unike essens.
Vi har alle unike oppgaver i livet. |